
 Stimate domnule Redactor,

   Alaturat va trimitem scrisoarea din 10 August 1998 catre Presedintele Emil Constantinescu, privind refuzul primarului din comuna Vârghis, judetul Covasna, de a da aprobare pentru ridicarea unei cruci pe locul unde a fost biserica ortodoxa româna, darâmata de horthisti în 1940.
   Cazul crucii de la Vârghis nu este cazul unui oarecare primar de comuna rurala care interzice, fara nici o motivare,  ridicarea unei cruci conform traditiei crestine. Acest caz este doar o veriga în lungul lant al insultelor si actelor comise împotriva poporului român de catre o fractiune horthista care intra în compunerea UDMR-ului.
   Acest refuz dovedeste ca doctrina horthista a lui Dücsö Csaba prin cartea sa "Fara mila" exista, ca ea este prezenta in mintea si'n sufletul anumitor elemente din componenta UDMR-ului.  Ca ea nu a încetat niciodata de a exista. Ea declara ca "voi omorî pe orice român care îmi va iesi în cale.... etc." si a fost pusa în aplicare în 1940, începând cu primele zile ale ocuparii Transilvaniei de Nord, teritoriu care la acea vreme nu era sub stare de razboi. Cartea lui Dücsö Csaba a servit ca manual de instruire a trupelor de ocupatie si a avut ca rezultat genocidul împotriva poporului român, când peste sase mii de români au fost executati, în paralel cu evacuarea fortata a cca 500.000  de români din teritoriul ocupat (vezi Raportul Comisiei Parlamentare de audiere a persoanelor care dupa 22 Decembrie 1989 au fost obligate sa paraseaca locul de munca si domiciliul din judetele Covasna si Harghita).
   Dar aceasta doctrina este mentinuta în continuare în vigoare. Dovada ne-o da organizatia "Hungarian Freedom Fighter Federation" care în 1983, în propriul organ oficial  se adreseaza membrilor sai, spunând: "sa pronuntam ca pe o rugaciune de încurajare, ca pe un juramânt de credinta cuvintele lui Dücsö Csaba: "voi omorî pe fiecare român care-mi va iesi în cale...." (Let us utter like a prayer of encouragement, like an oath of faith, Dücsö Csaba's words: "I shall kill each Romanian crossing my way...."  Continuarea acestei doctrine este asigurata pâna în prezent de ramura extremista a UDMR-ului, care este un partid format pe baza etnica, ca atare cuprinde toate orientarile politice ale unei grupe etnice, inclusiv extremisti, care la ora actuala dau chiar tonul în UDMR..
   In cadrul UDMR, aripa extremista continua aplicarea doctrinei lor horthiste fara a fi stingherita nici macar de autoritatile române. Iata câteva exemple:
 1. Mihaila Cofariu, român, victima a luptei de strada din Martie 1990 la Târgu Mures, pe care propaganda horthista l-a prezentat la Televiziune drept ungur batut de români.
 2. Operatia de curatire etnica în judetele Harghita si Covasna în 1990, prin evacuarea fortata a cca 4.000 de români, în continuarea alungarii sutelor de mii de români din Transilvania de Nord în timpul ocupatiei horthiste.
 3. Incercarile de desinformare si de defaimare a României de catre Laszlo Tökes cu prilejul unei conferinte  de presa în Austria, în care între altele a cerut autonomie pentru Transilvania în care, sustine Tökes, ar trai 3.500.000 de maghiari.
    De asemenea, încercari de defaimare facute de catre Episcopul de Cluj-Napoca Calha Kalman cu prilejul vizitei sale în Australia în 1997 în scop de propaganda pentru autonomia Transilvaniei.
 4. Izgonirea Maicutelor românce greco-catolice din Odorhei, cu întreg scandalul international declansat de aceasta actiune.
 5. Incercarea instalarii unei placi comemorative la Dej în cinstirea lui Daday Lorand, alias Dücsö Csaba, autorul cartii "Fara mila". Cartea aceasta este atât de incriminatorie pentru maghiari încât dupa razboi statul maghiar a negat existenta ei, dupa ce a retras-o din circulatie si din biblioteci. Aceasta carte a disparut si din biblioteca Universitatii din Cluj, dar se afla totusi pe undeva, si noi anexam în copie câteva pagini.
    Mentionam de asemenea ca scriitorul si ziaristul secui Gyorgy Ferencz, îngrozit de comportarea horthistilor, a fugit din Cluj, scriind cartea "The Golgota of Transylvania", unde încrimineaza purtarea lor si declara ca se simte rusinat de a se fi nascut maghiar. Gyorgy Ferencz a fost condamnat la moarte (în contumacie) în Ungaria, ceea ce ne scuteste de alte comentarii asupra caracterului regimului horthist.
 6. Refuzul de aprobare pentru ridicarea unei crucii la Vârghis si înca multe altele pe care nu le mai mentionam.
    Numai din enumerarea acestor câteva cazuri se poate vedea rolul nefast pe care îl joaca aripa extremista a UDMR-ului în cadrul Coalitiei guvernamentale din România.
   Aceasta aripa se face vinovata de atâtea stagnari în democratizarea României, iar guvernul român se face vinovat de apatie politica în raport cu gravele prejudicii ce se aduc pe plan intern si international prin lipsa unor masuri corespunzatoare.
   Conducatorii României de azi trebue sa înteleaga ca nu pot accepta o coalitie cu un UDMR în care exista o fractiune horthista, pentruca asta înseamna a le accepta si idealul. Trebue sa ceara conducerii UDMR-ului sa-si asaneze compozitia. Ungurii cinstiti trebue sa accepte sa se desprinda de extremisti, de partasi horthisti, pe care de altfel numeric îi credem destul de restrânsi.

 30 August 1998

 Cu deosebita stima

                 George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
    Rom. American National Congress                    Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.


       10 August 1998
 Domnului Emil Constantinescu
 Presedinte al României
 Palatul Cotroceni

 Stimate Domnule Presedinte,
 Cu onoare Va prezentam protestul nostru vehement adresat Domniei Voastre ca instanta superioara administrativa a Statului Român, împotriva refuzului primarului din comuna Vârghis, jud. Covasna, dl Farkas Sandor, de a aproba ridicarea uneui cruci pe locul unde a fost Biserica Ortodoxa Româna din respectiva comuna si care a fost complet darâmata de catre horthisti în 1940, iar preotul Ioan
Popa a fost alungat peste hotare.
 Refuzul Primarului Farkas Sandor reprezinta  continuarea peste decade si pâna în zilele noastre a atitudinii fascisto-hortiste de neconceput, exprimata de Dücsö Csaba în cartea sa "Nincs Kegyelem", (Fara mila), publicata în 1939, prin care s'a incitat poporul maghiar la genocid împotriva poporului român, si care îndemn criminal a fost reînviat în 1984 de catre Federatia Luptatorilor Maghiari
pentru Libertate, (Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation).  Acest refuz al primarului din Vârghis este si o sfidare atât a Românilor în general, cât si a actualei coalitii guvernamentale din care UDMR-ul face parte. Anexam la prezenta:
 - Scrisoarea noastra din 1 August 1998,
 - Fotografia ruinelor numitei biserici din comuna Vârghis,
 - precum si scrisoarea de refuz a numitului primar.
 Prin posta separata va trimitem o serie de fotografii-documente, care arata ruinele a numeroase biserici românesti, ortodoxe si greco-catolice, complet darâmate de horthisti si care nu au mai putut fi reconstruite nici sub domnia regimului anti-crestin, anti-român al comunistilor si nici din 1990 încoace din cauza adversitatii fara masura a ungurilor, cât si marei lor influente politice în treburile
 Pe lânga suferintele si umilintele înghitite de românii din aceste regiuni, mai este si o problema de demnitate  omeneasca si nationala, care ne obliga sa cerem Presedintelui României sa apere interesele poporului român.

 Cu deosebita stima

                George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
    Rom. American National Congress                    Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.

      August 1, 1998

 Dear Sir,

   We would like to bring to your attention an incident that flagrantly violates the rights of the Romanian people.
   In the village of Vârghis, county of Covasna, existed a  Romanian Orthodox Church that in 1940, immediately after the cessation of Northern Transylvania, together with 16 other Romanian churches from Northern Transylvania, was erased from the face of the earth, and its priest, Ioan Popa, together with a group of 142 Orthodox and Greek Catholic priests were expelled over the borders into Southern Transylvania that remained under Romanian administration. At the present time Ioan Popa is retired and lives in Târnaveni, county of Mures. The above information was confirmed by him and his family; all documents were given as testimony at the Mitropolia from Sibiu and were published by
Ioan Ciolan, the publishing house "Europe" from Rome, Italy, under the title "The Last Hungarian Persecution", and partly reprinted in "S.O.S. Transylvania" by Traian Golea, in "Romanian Historical Studies", USA, 1993 (see attached the picture of the church and of the priest Ioan Popa).
   On the land of the former church there is a school, and the local Orthodox Romanians decided to erect a cross in memory of the demolished church. The mayor of the village of Vârghis, Farkas Sandor, without any justification, refused to issue a permit for the placement of a cross (see attached the letter number 292, from June 3, 1997, recently received).
    After the period of 1989 the Hungarians built a number of monuments, mainly in the counties of Harghita and Covasna, (see the book "Monuments Non Grata", by Dr. Petre Turlea, published by "Bravo Press", Romania, 1996, page 11). The majority of these monuments are dedicated to the memory of personalities that fought against Romanians, and some of them to honor the so called heroes that later were proven to be assassins.
  These monuments were erected under the excessive tolerance of the previous Romanian governments.
  We consider it our duty to bring the above mentioned incident to the attention of the present government of Romania, namely that the mayor of the village Vârghis refused to give the permit for the erection of a cross on the land of the former Romanian Orthodox Church that was demolished by the Horthist Hungarian administration. The Romanians from all over, those from the fatherland and those from diaspora, protest against these chauvinistic anti-Romanian attitudes of the mayor from Vârghis and demand to respect the rights of the Romanian population from the district of Harghita and Covasna. At the same time we request that the present Romanian government intervene to void the decision of the mayor from Vârghis, that forbids the elementary right of the Romanians to erect the cross that is the basis of this ethnic conflict.
   To better understand the motives and especially the spirit  of the attitudes of the Hungarians from Transylvania, we would remember their behavior beginning with World War II. During the Horthist regime, the Hungarians from Transylvania were registered en masse in the Horthist organization "Madosz", that formed the base of the Hungarian administration in the period of occupation of Northern Transylvania, 1940-1945. In 1945, when Northern Transylvania was returned to Romania, the entire fascist-horthist organization "Madosz" joined in its entirety the communist party. In "The History of the Romanian Communist Party", Hoover Institution Press, California, 1979, the American historian Robert King, on page 68 states that "The  Romanian Communist Party worked in Transylvania through the Popular Hungarian Union (Madosz), who in 1945 had 250,000 members." This Hungarian Union delivered to the communist government 80% of the apparatus of terror of the communists in Transylvania, whose victims was the Romanian population.
   For a more complete documentation we add: From the archives of the city of Cluj, Octavian Capatina documents in "The Towns of Transylvania" the following ethnic distribution of the members of the "Romanian Communist Party". For the region of Cluj, according to the statistics from 1956, 20.4% were Hungarians. The Romanian Communist Party had 288 Romanians, 2490 Hungarians, 195 Jews, and 8 Germans. In other words, while the Romanians represented 80% of the population, they numbered only 20% in the Romanian Communist Party. During the time when in Romania the Romanian anti-communists were hunted and murdered, the chauvinist Hungarian Horthists from Transilvania continued, as members of the Communist Party the role as executioners of the Romanians. As Robert King states on page 132, "It was the Soviet strategy to use foreign ethnic groups to achieve control over Romania." On page 38, the same Robert King affirms: "The Romanians  refused membership in the Romanian Communist Party which showed a clear preference for the separatist minorities." The affirmation of Gaspar Tamas, the son of a rabbi from Cluj, Transylvania and, according to his own statements, educated in strict marxist spirit, later a representative in
the Parliament of Budapest after 1945, (see "Towns of Transylvania") confirms our theory: "Today one underlines the weakness of the Romanian Communist Party in 1945, but one forgets the adhesion to the Romanian Communist Party in Transykvania, of the Hungarian Popular Union, (Madosz), whuch numbered 600.000 members. The Hungarian communists from Transylvania played a decisive role in the implementation of communism in Romania." In other words, the entire Hungarian Union from Transylvania that, according to Robert King numbered 250,000 members, and according to Gaspar Tamas, numbered 600.000 members, switched in a block, first from the fascism of Horthy to the communism of Ana Pauker and Vasile Luca, and later, in 1989, switched again in a block from the Ceausescu's communist regime to the Democratic Convention that governs today Romania. The Hungarian extorsions against previous governments switched today to the
Democratic Convention without changing anything except the cloak. To be precise, the Democratic Convention, in order to remain in power, tolerates the extortions of the UDMR, sacrificing Romanian interests.
    What does the Romanian government do about all the sufferings and injustices accumulated on the back of the Romanians for so many decades that, finally, after 50 years we have a government elected by us that should at least demand from the Hungarian government:
 - Compensation for the 16 demolished churches during the Horthist occupation.
 - Compensation and restitution for the descendants of those over 6.000 Romanians killed, as they did in Ip, Traznea, Sarmas, etc.
 - Compensation and restitution for those over 500.000 Romanians who were beaten and expelled by the Horthy regime during the Horthist occupation of Northern Transylvania in the period 1940-1945, and for their properties left behind.
 - The same for those over 4.000 Romanians forcefully evacuated from their homes and properties after 1990 from the counties of Harghita and Covasna, who do not have even the right to erect symbols that they once lived there as Romanians, as an illustration of which is the refusal to erect a cross in Vârghis on the place of the demolished Romanian church.
   Not to demand reparations, restitutions and compensations and not even to ask for forgiveness by the present Romanian government from the Hungarian government for the atrocities committed by the chauvinistic racist Hungarians means that we accept the "Dictate of Vienna" and the following holocaust against the Romanians in Northern Transylvania.

   Sincerely, yours

               George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
    Rom. American National Congress                     Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.


July 15, 1998

 Dear Congressman,

 Due to permanent hostile Hungarian propaganda of a small fraction of the Hungarian Minority of Romania, which is trying to discredit and destabilize Romania on her way toward democracy, actions which compels us to reveal a few aspects and documents concerning the conflictive relations between the two nations.
 Enclosed you will find, for your information, the following 12 attachments:
 Attachment 1. A Report on the violation of Human Rights of the Romanian community from the village of Varghis, county of Covasna.
 Attachment 2. The refusal of the Mayor of Varghis, county of Covasna, to the Romanian community of Varghis to erect a Memorial Cross on the place where was the Romanian Orthodox Church demolished by the Hungarian Horthist regime in 1940.
 Attachment 3. A short history of Transylvania as historical background.
 Attachment 4. Excerpts from a Report of the Romanian Parliament's Hearings Commission for the events occurred in the counties Harghita and Covasna in the years 1990-1991.
 Attachment 5. Oliver Lustig's booklet which documents the Hungarian holocaust against the Jews and Romanians in Northern Transylvania in the period of horthist occupation 1940-1945.
 Attachment 6. The "Losses of Hungarian Jewry" in 1940-1945, issued by the "World Jewish Congress, Hungarian Section".
 Attachment 7. A German map showing the 2 counties in Romania, Harghita and Covasma, where the Hungarians are in majority.
 Attachment 8. "Preliminary data of the latest official Census in Romania" in 1992.
 Attachment 9. Excerpts from Dücsö Csaba's book, printed in 1939, which incites the Hungarians to murder Romanians.
 Attachment 10. Dücsö Csaba revived in 1983 by the "Hungarian Freedom Fighters" organization.
 Attachment 11. Laszlo Tökes, the honorary president of the Hungarian ethnic political organization in Romania, UDMR, claiming Autonomy for Transylvania, asserts that in Romania are 3.5 mil. Hungarians, while the active president of the UDMR, Marko Bela, considers that there are only 2 mil. Hungarians in Romania. The official Census of Romania gives 1.62 mil. Hungarians.
 Attachment 12. The case of Mihail Cofariu, the Romanian who was illtreated in his own country and then expelled.
 Attachment 13. A set of 12 photographs demonstrating the Hungarian atrocities against the Romanians in Transylvania.
 Examining the above documents which represent a few proves of the acts of the Hungarian extremist against the Romanians in Romania, we are asking you, as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee of the American Congress, for your consideration. Especially we want to draw your attention to the excerpts from the book "Nincs Kegyelem", (No mercy), written by Dücsö Csaba and published in Budapest, Hungary in 1939, a book which incites the Hungarians to murder the Romanians, as well as to the text which in 1983 the "Hungarian Freedom Fighters" organization revives the spirit of Dücsö Csaba, inciting again the Hungarians to murder the Romanians.
    Concluding this letter, we want to emphasize that:
 I. During WW I Romania took the arms along with the Allied Powers against Austro-Hungary, because of overwhelming majority of the Romanians in Transylvania, 77%, who wanted to be reunited with the Romanian Kingdom. The victory was sanctioned by the Peace Treaty of Trianon (1920) signed by USA, Great Britain, France, etc, and also by Hungary. The Human capital Romania engaged in WW I was about 800.000.
 II.  During WW II King Michael of Romania made the turning point of hostilities against the Nazis and Horthysts along with the Allied Forces. It is evaluated that this turning of the hostilities resulted in a shortening of the war with at least six months. The human capital Romania engaged in the war against the Nazis and Horthists was 538.536. The casualties were 21.031 dead, 90.344 wounded, 58.443 missing, resulting in total losses of 169.822. The statements made in British Parliament in January 1945 places Romania as the fourth Allied Army, after Soviet
Union, United States and Great Britain, meanwhile Czechoslovakia and Poland were occupied lands, while Hungary fought along with the Nazis until the end of the war.
   The Peace Treaty of Paris after WW II was signed in 1947 by USA, Great Britain, France and other countries, including Hungary, and it sanctioned again the reunion of Transylvania with the Romanian Kingdom. Due to the contribution Romania brought to the victory of the Allied Forces in WW II, King Michael of Romania was officially invited to Normandy in 1995 for the celebration of 50 years of the victory, while during this year, 1998, for the same reason King Michael was proposed for the Peace Nobel Price in Oslo-Norway.
   All these historical facts shown above demonstrate that Transykvania undoubtedly belong to Romania and the Romanians cannot afford to stay crossed hands in face of the hostile Hungarian propaganda.

 July 15, 1998

 Sincerely, yours

                George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
    Rom. American National Congress                     Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.

joined by
The California Chapter of


To Minority Rights Group International
379 Brixton Rd.
London SW9 7DE, England

   The desperate case of Ilie Ilascu, the Romanian patriot who was sentenced to death for political reasons in the so-called Autonomous Dniester Republic, is known all over the world.
  Ilie Ilascu is being held in prison since July 1992 and his health condition is steadily deteriorating.
   Countless demonstrations took place and countless interventions were made on his behalf by important institutions and public persons.
   To cite just a few:
  1. Many street demonstrations took place in Romania, in front of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, demanding freedom for Ilie Ilascu.
  2. In 1993 and 1994, the World Union of Free Romanians, President Mr. Ion Ratiu, protested vehemently against the death sentence for Ilie Ilascu. Similar vehement protests came from the World Association Pro Bessarabia and Bucovina, President Mr. Nicolas Lupan (France), and from the Union and League Association (USA), represented by Mr. Nicolae Dima.
   3. A letter was sent to President Bill Clinton in June 1994, asking him to intervene on behalf of Ilie Ilascu.
   4. In December 1994, The World Association Pro Bessarabia and Bucovina, President Nicolas Lupan, brought before the European Parliament in Strassbourg (France) a petition on behalf of Ilie Ilascu. This petition, signed by over 5,000 personalities, asks that the European Award of Human Rights be given to this Romanian patriot.
   Mr. Nicolas Lupan, a veteran in the struggle for Bessarabia and Bucovina, those two Romanian provinces which were occupied by the USSR in virtue of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, has been involved from the very beginning on behalf of Ilie Ilascu.
  5. In May 1995, Congressman Martin H. Hocke of Ohio presented to Congress the Ilie Ilascu case, entered in the Congressional Record of May 12, 1995.
  6. In the same month Amnesty International asked that the file of the Political Detainees of Tiraspol, meaning Ilie Ilascu and his three coprisoners, be reopened.
  7. In August 1995, The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe invited IIie Ilascu officially to visit this Commission and the US Congress.
  Copies of the letter of invitation were sent to the Secretary of State, to the US Embassy in Chisinau (Moldova Republic), and to the Embassy of Moldova in Washington, D.C.
  8. In September 1995, The Romanian Church of the Holy Cross in Washington, D.C. received Ilie Ilascu as an honorary member of that church.
  9. In October 1995, The Romanian Union and League, USA, represented by Mr. Nicolae Dima, professor at James Madison University, Virginia, initiated a new campaign on behalf of Ilie Ilascu. Mr. Nicolae Dima is also a veteran in the struggle for the reunification of the Romanian provinces of Bessarabia and Bucovina with Romania.
   Following this campaign, the Avram Iancu society of New York and the Romanian-American Foundation of New Jersey invited several Romanian personalities from the Moldova Republic to visit the USA and plead Ilie Ilascu's case in Washington, D.C. and in New York.
  10. In November 1995, a letter from the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe was addressed to Petru Luchinski, speaker of Parliament (currently President of the Moldova Republic) regarding the case of Ilie Ilascu.
  11. In February 1996, another letter was sent to President Bill Clinton regarding this matter.
  12. In January 1997, a letter was sent to the Secretary of State, Mrs. Madeleine Albright, on this topic.

  Despite all these interventions, the so-called Autonomous Dniester Republic is disregarding the whole civilized world bykeeping Ilie Ilascu in prison.
  The case of Ilie Ilascu is not only the case of a man sentenced to death for his political views; it puts on trial the conscience of the whole world, and puts to the test the principle of human rights.
  This case also puts to the test the Helsinki Final Act, which establishes a framework for basic human rights.

  In view of the above considerations, we ask you again to intercede on behalf of Ilie Ilascu. You cannot let Ilie Ilascu die in prison.

   Along with Ilie Ilascu there are three more Romanian patriots in jail for the same political reasons, sentenced to various prison terms. Their names are: Alexandru Lesco, Tudor Petrov-Popa, and Andrei Ivantoc.

                  Sincerely, yours

           George Duma, Ph.D.
Romanian American National Congress
      1730 3rd Ave. - Apt. 1202
       San Diego, CA 92101, USA

World Association Pro Bessarabia and Bucovina

              Traian Golea
Romanian Association of South Florida
        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. #601
               Hallandale, FL

joined by
The California Chapter of


 To Human Rights Organizations                                         October 1997

   During WW II King Michael of Romania made on August 23, 1944 the turning of the hostilities against Germany with the Allied Forces and it is appreciated that this turning resulted in a shortening of the war with at least six months.
   While the human capital Romania engaged in the war against German forces was 538,536, and resulted in 21,031 deads, 90,344 wounded, 58,443 missing, total losses 169,822, the same day of the turning of the hostilities, the troops who were along ther battle field on East front were disarmed by USSR (the new Ally), and taken prisoners.
   At the City of Balti (pronounce Baltsi), now Moldova Republic, there were around 50,000 troops, among them around 40,000 Romanians, 5,000 Germans, 2,000 Hungarians and also 3,000 Czech and Poles.
   A very few of these prisoners managed to escape and they made known their fate only after the dissolution of the USSR, in 1989.
   Informations about what happened to these 50,000 prisoners were published by the weekly newspaper "The Northern Courier" from Balti also after the dissolution of USSR.
   In this way people learned how all 50,000 prisoners were  killed by the KGB (Russian Secret Police) and the Soviet army. They were shot to death and thrown in the Marsh ditches of the river Raut (pronounce Rauts), near the City of Balti.
   During the years 1991-1992, after the USSR dissolution, searches took place in these marches, where unaccountable skeletons and bones were found.
   Romanian people of the surroundings decided to make a pyramid of these bones and on the top of it to put a triptych (troita).
   The Triptych was sanctified  on May 7, 1992 by the Romanian Bishop Petru of Balti, in the presence of thousands of people, while the Diacon Nicodim Schiopu proposed to build there a church or a monastery with the name "The Church of the Bones".
   The Bishop Petru nominated as parish priest of this "Church of the Bones" the Priest Valerian Cernei. But all of a sudden things took a bad turn. The Bishop Petru of Balti was attacked and beaten by unknown people just inside the Bishopric Palace, and similar attacks were perpetrated also at two other monasteries in Balti county.
   Due to this situation, at the present time the "Church of the Bones" is just an architectural project, and its construction can not be realized because of lack of support by the authorities.
   These informations were transmitted from Balti, (Republic of Moldova), via the Romanian monks from Saint Mount of Athos (Greece) and published by the Romanian Newspaper "Curierul Românesc" from Bucharest in its August 1996 issue.
   These monstruous holocaust against the Romanian soldiers, killed as shown above, along with Germans, Hungarians, Czechs and Poles soldiers, cannot be forgotten.
   It is possible that some of these unearthed soldiers be identified according to different insignia or other signs, especially if one could find out the military units they belonged to.
   If possible, even after 50 years, the families and the descendents of the disappeared soldiers during this terrible Holocaust have the right to learn about the real fate of their beloved.
   The above mentioned mass killings constitute a ultra brutal crime against Humanity, a specific case regarding Human Rights violations and also a ultra grave violation against the Geneva Convention from 1864 regarding the Régime of Prisoners of War, and just like in Katyn case, searches must be done and find out the truth.
   We want to remind you that in the last years, 50 years after the conclusion of the war, different countries appologized for their violations of Human Rights during WW II and agreed to pay compensations.
   As a consequence, we submit this case to the Human Rights Organizations asking them to take the right steps, to make the needed searches in order to determine the truth about these common graves and why the government of Moldova did not continue the due researches.
   On the other hand we think, there is a moral and humanitarian obligation for the United Nations and their international organizations to help the Bishopric of Balti to build the "Church of the Bones"

 Sincerely, yours

                George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
   Rom. American National Congress                    Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.


   July 15, 1998

 Dear Sir,

   Due to permanent hostile Hungarian propaganda of a small fraction of the Hungarian Minority of Romania, which is trying to discredit and destabilize Romania and her way toward democracy, actions which compels us to reveal a few aspects and documents concerning the relations between the two nations.
   Enclosed you will find, for your information (benefit), the following:
  1: A German map, showing the 2 Szeklers Counties in Romania.
     "     2: The last Romania's Census - 1992.
     "        3: Excerpts from Dücsö Csaba's Book.
     "        4: Dücsö Csaba revived - 1983, in "A perverse and criminal ideal" - published in "Hungarian Freedom Fighters"' official
     "       5: Laszlo Tökes
     "        6: Mihaila Cofariu
     "         7: Oliver Lustig's booklet, showing the Hungarian Holocaust against  the Jews and Romanians.
     "        8: A short presentation of the History of Transylvania.
   Taking in consideration the attached documents representing just a few proves of the Hungarian extremist acts against Romanians in Romania, we are asking for yours arbitration and even intervention, in order to stop the inter-ethnic conflict.
   The Romanian people need peace to recover from the most repressive communist regime in Europe. Some Hungarian voices went even so far as to ask for autonomy or independence of these two counties, which of course is inconceivable, due to the big majority of Romanians i.e. 89% of total population.
   According to "Helsinki Act" signed on August 1, 1975, and renewed on August 11, 1985, the frontiers of the States in Europe cannot be changed.  We are drawing your special attention to read, please, the attached excerpts from the book written by Dücsö Csaba and published in Budapest, Hungary, in 1939, under the title "Nincs Kegyelem", (No mercy), as well as  the excerpts from the instructions published in 1983 by the Hungarian Freedom Fighters, referring to the same book and inciting against the Romanian people.
   As a conclusion, we want to emphasize as follows:

   I. During WW I Romania took the arms along with the Allied Powers against the Austro-Hungary, because of overwhelming majority of the Romanians in Transylvania who wanted to be reunited with the Romanian Kingdom and this was sanctioned by the Peace Treaty of Trianon (1920), signed by USA, Great Britain, France, etc, and also by Hungary.
  The human capital Romania engaged in WW I in order to reunite Transylvania, was about 800.000.
   II.  During WW II King Michael of Romania made the turning point of hostilities against the Nazis and Horthysts along with the Allied Forces. It is appreciated that this turning of the hostilities resulted in a shortening of the war with at least six months. The human capital Romania engaged in the war against the Nazis and the Horthysts was 538.536. The casualties were 21.031 dead, 90.344 wounded, 58.443 missing, resulting in total losses of 169.822.

   The statements made in British Parliament in January 1945 places Romania as the fourth Allied Army, after Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain, meanwhile Czechoslovakia and Poland were occupied lands, while Hungary fought along with the Nazis until the end of the war.
   The Peace Treaty of Paris after WW II was signed in 1947 by USA, Great Britain, France and other countries, included Hungary, and sanctioned again the reunion of Transylvania with the Romanian Kingdom. Due to the contribution Romania brought to the victory of the Allied Forces in WW II, King Michael of Romania was officially invited to Normandy in 1995 for the celebration of 50 years of the victory, while during this year, 1998, for the same reason King Michael was proposed for the Peace Nobel Price in Oslo-Norway.
   All these historical facts shown above justifies the Romanian losses during both World Wars and demonstrates that Romania cannot afford to stay crossed hands looking at the hostile Hungarian propaganda.

 Sincerely, yours

                George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
    Rom. American National Congress                     Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.


   In order to better understand the situation, please allow us to make just a short consideration about the history of Transylvania and on the demographic situation of this territory.
 1. According to the last Census, 1992, Romania's population comprises 22.760.449 inhabitants. The Romanians represent 89.4% of the population and the Hungarians 7.1% (see Attachment). In Transylvania, the Romanians represent over 77% of the population, and the Hungarians represent less than 23%.
 2. The Romanians have been living in this territory since pre-history. It is safe to say that Transylvania is the cradle of the Romanian nation.
 3. Transylvania was reunited with the motherland, the Romanian Kingdom after the colapse of the obsolete Austro-Hungarian Empire (at the end of the WWI), due to the overwhelming majority of the Romanian population who voted at the Great National Assembly of Alba Iulia on December 1, 1918 to be reunited to the Motherland Romania.
 4. The reunion of Transylvania with Motherland Romania, based on the right of self determination, and was sanctioned  by two International Treaties in 20 Century, i.e. Peace Treaty of Trianon after WWI, in 1920, and Peace Treaty of Paris after WWII, in 1947. Both treaties were signed by U.S.A., Great Britain, France, etc.
 5. Hungary itself, after the battle of Mohacs (1526), has totally disapeared as a country from the map of Europe and became partly a Turkish province (Pashalick), with the capital in Budapest, and the rest was engulfed in the Austrian Empire.
 6. During that period of time, when Hungary was a Turkish Province (Pashalick), Transylvania had preserved its status of an Autonomous Principality under Turkish suzerainty.
 7. After 1690, when the Turks were defeated by the Austrians, entire Hungary became part of Austrian Enmpire, while Transylvania continued to preserve its status of Autonomous Principaly under Austrian suzerainty, with a Governor nominated by the Emperor of Austria.
 8. Only in 1867, that is, after an absence of 341 (three hundred and forty one) years succeded Hungary to reapear on the map of Europe, although under the name of Austro=Hungary. (what is, still part of the Austrian Empire), when Transylvania was forcible annexed to Austro-Hungary under Hungarian administration.
 9. This annexation lasted just 51 years, from 1867 to 1918, when the Romanian majority in Transylvania voted for the reunion to the Motherland Romanian Kingdom.
   If you are interested in this topic, we could provide you more details and refer you to many books.

*   *   *


   After the revolution of 1989 and the fall of the communist regime, the Hungarians in Romania are represented in the Romanian Parliament by the UDMR (Democratic Union of the Magyars <Hungarians> in Romania), and are also taking part in the government coalition. But the UDMR (HUDR) is a ethnic Union, which means, an organization of all and only Hungarians, and consequently it comprises all possible political orientations, many  of them, even racists. Ever since 1945, when the communists took over Romania, the Hungarian community of Transylvania, organized in an ethnic Popular Union of the Hungarians, was part of the communist oppressive regime,the Hungarians of Transylvanuia delivered 80% of the goiverning communist apparatues (see "History of the Romanian Communist Party", by Robert King, Hoover Institute, California, 1979, pag. 38). After the revolution of 1989, the communist Popular Union of the Hungarians only changed its official name and
became the "Democratic Union of the Hungarians in Romania" and entered, with all that heterogenous political orientation, (even a racist wing, as represented by Bishop Laszlo Tökes, Verestoy Atila, a.o.) the Democratic Coalition which rules Romania today.
   It is the racist wing of the UDMR which is asking for the autonomy or federalization of Transylvania, and in order to pursue this goal they are using all possible means, trying to discredit Romania (please see as an example the Attachment 2 and 3).

              George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
    Rom. American National Congress                     Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.

To the Newspaper "Haagsche Courant"
P.O.Box 16050
2500 AA The Hague,
Netherlands, Europe

Attention Editor J. Schinkolschoek

 Dear Mr. J. Schinkelschoek,

  Following the article written by Mr. Klinkhamer regarding Romania and published by Haagsche Courant on My 8, 1996, we are strongly protesting against it and are urging you to publish our protest as follows:

  I. Regarding Transylvania.
 1. Transylvania is the cradle of the Romanian people, where they were born and living over the centuries. The Romanians represent 89% per total population of Romania, while the Hungarians represent only 7,1%
   Evidence over the Romanian continuity on this territory is exhaustingly demonstrated by history and archeology.
 2. Transylvania was reunited with Romanian Kingdom after the collapse of the obsolete Austro-Hungarian Empire (End WW I), due to the overwhelming majority of the Romanians who, using their right to self-determination, two years before the Peace Conference voted to be reunited with their motherland Romania.
 3. The reunion of Transylvania with the Romanian Kingdom was sanctioned  - due to above mentioned democratic principle of selfdetermination - by two international treaties signed in 20th century (i.e. Peace Treaty of Trianon, 1920, and Peace Treaty of Paris, 1947). Both treaties were signed by U.S.A. Great Britain and France, etc. and were not a gift of France as Mr. Klinkhamer falsly and maliciously asserts.
 4. After the battle of Mohacs (1526), Hungary totally disappeared as a country from the map of Europe and became partly a Turkish Province (Pashalyk), with the capital in Buda-Pest and partly was under Austrian admninistration.
 5. During the Turkisch occupation of Hungary, Transylvania was a autonomous Principality.
 6. After the Turks left the territory of Hungary (1690), this became part of Austria, while Transylvania became a separately province ruled by a governor nominated by the Emperor of Austria. During the history, the governors of Transylvania were eather Saxons or Austrians, but never Hungarians.
 7. When in 1867 Hungary reappears on the map of Europe under the dualism of Austro-Hungary, after an absence of 341 (three hundred and forty one) years, Transylvania was forcibly annexed to Hungary against the will and the protest of Romanian population.
 8. This annexation lasted just 51 years, from 1867 to 1918, when the Romanian majority of Transylvania, using their right to seld-determination voted for the reunion with motherland Romania.
 9. As for the education in Hungarian language in Transylvania for the Hungarian minority, to cut it short, we are mentioning here only the declaration made by Congressman Tom Lantos (Hungarian native), who visited Romania as chief of an American Congressmen Delegation, when he stated that: "The Hungarians are treated not worse than the Romanians and their complaints of cultural genocide are not justified. (See please the book "Pinstripes and Reds" written by former USA Ambassador to Romania David Funderburk, Selous Foundation, N. Carolina, 1987).
 II. Regarding the territories "received by Romania from Austria and Russia",  as Mr. Klinkhamer also falsly and maliciously says:
 1. Austria occupied the very old Romanian territory of Bucovina in 1776 after the Romanian Prince Grigore Ghika III was killed because of his opposition to this secession.
   Following the colapse of Austro-Hungarian Empire after the conclusion of WW I,  Bucovina returned to Romania due to the right of self-determination of the overwhelming majority of Romanian population in this territory.
   In 1940 North Bucovina was taken by URSS following the Hitler-Stalin Pakt, known also as Ribbentrop-Molotov Pakt.
 2. Russia occupied in 1812 the East territory of Moldova, named also Bessarabia. Bessarabia is also a historically very old Romanian territory and the Russian Tsar Peter the Great recognized it as a part of Romanian territory and as borderline between Russia and Moldova by signing in 1710 the treaty with the Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir.
   Despite this treaty and the recognition of the border line, one hundred years later, in 1812, Russia occupied this territory in order to open its way to Constantinopol and Bosphorus.
   After WW I, in 1918, Bessarabia, due also to the overwhelming Romanian majority, voted for reunion with Romania.
   In 1940, following the Hitler-Stalin Pakt, Russia occupied again Bessarabia.
    At the present time, after the colapse of USSR, Bessarabia got rid of Russia, declared its independence, the Romanian language as official language of the country and made several steps toward full reunion with Romania.
   Taking in consideration the shortly above mentioned responses, we are urging Mr. Klinkhamer to read, study and learn the history and the realities concerning Romania before he starts again to write on these topics. We are indignantly and vehemently rejecting his malicious alegations. By his actually lack of knowledge regarding the history and the realities about Romania, Mr. Klinkhamer is totaly unqualified to make any remarks and any comments concerning Romania, much less to express "conclusions".
   Mr. Schinkelshoek,
   With reference to your country, what would your fellow countrymen say if somebody would write that Netherlands was part of Spain and became later independent after the colapse of Spanish power by taking Spanish territories.
   We are urging you, Mr. Schinkelshoek, to publish our protest on the basis of the right to reply.

Sincerely yours:

              George Duma, Ph.D.                                                    Traian Golea

                         President                                                                  President
    Rom. American National Congress                     Rom. Association of South Florida
    1730 3rd Ave., Apt. # 1202                                        901 NE 14th Ave., Apt. # 601
    San Diego, CA. 92101, U.S.A.                                    Hallandale, FL 33009, U.S.A.

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